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Jazz Etude Books, Jazz Vocabulary Books, Music Business Book, 5 recorded albums, an online masterclass
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I started creating educational products in 2018 when I launched “Leaps and Sounds Volume One; 12 Contemporary Etudes for Jazz Saxophone.”
Sold in other 45 countries worldwide, I was inspired to write Volumes 2 and 3 of the same series as well as jazz vocabulary book entitled “Conversation Starters: 180 pieces of Jazz Vocabulary”.
Conversation Starters features lines written over 16 different chord progressions, commonly found in jazz standards, utilizing modern harmonic devices and intervals as well as tried and true be-bop inspired phrases.
“Practical Stuff for Survival” is a “no-bs”, call-it-like-it-is book geared towards any freelancer with questions about how to start, build and grow the business of “you”. It contains chapters dedicated to touring, developing a teaching studio, branding, pricing models for gigs, email communication, financial fitness and more.
If you’re still into buying CD’s, (some of you might remember those old relics), then I have five albums under my belt as a leader that I hope you’ll consider picking up. They feature different bands from my 12 years in New York and the projects include two independently-produced records (Simple Beauty and Overdue Ovation), two albums for Inner Circle Music (Selective Amnesia and Second City) and my latest on Ropeadope Records. (Listen with your eyes).
Finally, for my saxo-nerds, I partnered with www.bestsaxophonewebsiteever.com (yes, that’s really the name) to produce a full-blown saxophone technique masterclass that contains years of arpeggios, scale patterns and other saxophone gymnastical things to shed. Check out www.saxtechnique.com to become a part of the saxophone-illuminati.